Old Crown and Dark Tooth

Old Crown and Dark Tooth - before pictureOld Crown and Dark Tooth - after picture

This patient was unhappy with the appearance of an old crown. He felt that it did not match the rest of his teeth. He wanted a brighter fresher smile. He had a combination of crowns veneers on upper teeth and tooth whitening to achieve this fantastic result! His friends have noticed a change in him as a result of his smile makeover and he feels the result achieved is “awesome”.

Uneven Teeth and Tooth Discolouration

Uneven Teeth and Tooth Discolouration - before pictureUneven Teeth and Tooth Discolouration - after picture

This patient wanted to refresh and rejuvenate her teeth. A full set of upper and lower veneers were placed to brighten and refresh her smile.

Teeth Discolouration and Tooth Veneers

teeth discolouration, teeth discolouring, Teeth whitening, dental porcelain veneers - before pictureteeth discolouration, teeth discolouring, Teeth whitening, dental porcelain veneers - after picture

This patient was unhappy with the colour (staining) and translucency of her front teeth. 4 veneers on the upper front teeth achieved a fantastic natural result for her.

Dental Veneers and Dental Porcelain Crowns

Dental Veneers and Dental Porcelain Crowns - before pictureDental Veneers and Dental Porcelain Crowns - after picture

This patient was unhappy with the appearance of her front teeth as old dental work began to show the signs of ageing. Two new crowns and two new veneers were placed to refresh and brighten her smile.

Unslightly Old Crowns

unsightly old crowns, teeth whitening, tooth discolouration - before pictureunsightly old crowns, teeth whitening, tooth discolouration - after picture

This lady came to clinic unhappy with her old, unsightly crowns. We re-placed 10 ceramics on the upper teeth and whitened the lowers to create this beautiful smile.

How can we help you?

10 Secrets to a
Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful, irreversible pitfalls).

10 Secrets to
a Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful,
irreversible pitfalls).


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