Old Crowns and Ageing Teeth

This lovely patient has had a patchwork of dentistry over the years-old crowns, white fillings and she has lost confidence in smiling, it was a very ageing look

Old Teeth Crowns and Gum recession

This lovely lady was really unhappy with a patchwork of old fillings and crowns, and the dark triangles between her teeth caused by gum recession.

Old Crowns and Uneven Tooth

This patient was unhappy with his old looking smile.

Dark front teeth, small gaps and teeth discolouration

This patient had always wanted to do something about the appearance of his dark front teeth as his smile did not give him confidence day to day.

Old Crown and Dark Tooth

This patient was unhappy with the appearance of an old crown. He felt that it did not match the rest of his teeth. He wanted a brighter fresher smile.

How can we help you?

10 Secrets to a
Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful, irreversible pitfalls).

10 Secrets to
a Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful,
irreversible pitfalls).


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