DIY Aligner Treatment Vs Invisalign: Straight Talking About Direct-to-Consumer Orthodontics 

If you spend any time browsing the options for orthodontic aligners online, you’ll probably come across at least one direct-to-consumer (DTC) treatment. Ads on social media or in the search results often make bold claims about affordable at-home treatments to straighten your teeth in three to six months. 

These online-only orthodontists promise to skip the inconvenience of a visit to the dentist. The allure is often the convenience and price, And since clear aligner treatments like Invisalign appear so simple on the surface, why would you pay more? 

You’re probably asking, “What is the difference between DTC clear aligner treatment and Invisalign?” 

Some DIY tasks in life carry low risks. If your decorating skills aren’t as strong in practice as you’d imagined, a professional can always paint over your mistakes. Sadly, the same can’t always be said for your smile. 

In this guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about DTC orthodontics and how, under the supervision of a professional, Invisalign is a safer and more effective way to straighten teeth. 

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Before we compare DTC aligners and Invisalign, let’s explore how this type of orthodontic appliance works. 

Whether you choose braces or aligners, gentle force is used to slowly and gradually move your teeth. In the case of aligners, you’ll wear a plastic tray made from a material that creates constant pressure against your teeth. Although you’ll barely feel the aligner after wearing it for a while, you’ll see noticeable changes over your treatment. 

You’ll need multiple aligners because each aligner can only move your teeth a fraction of a millimetre. In the case of Invisalign, you’ll swap your aligner every two weeks. Throughout your treatment, you may have upwards of 24 aligners. 

Accurate Custom Treatment Plans Are Essential

When you choose Invisalign treatment, the entire process begins with a thorough assessment. We use the latest digital technology to take accurate scans of your smile. This information is uploaded to powerful software that helps us create a customised treatment plan tailored to your smile. 

Your treatment plan is detailed, and an aligner is created for every slight tooth movement. Once we have a thorough treatment plan, the laboratory will make your aligners. 

In contrast, there is no initial assessment with DTC aligners. Instead, you may need to send photos of your teeth using a digital scanning app or take impressions using a mould. You’ll need to do this yourself and post this information back. As you can imagine, this isn’t the most accurate way to gather vital information before your treatment. 

Even if the pre-treatment assessment were performed by a dentist, physical impressions and photos would pale in comparison to the accuracy of the digital scans and impressions we can take. When you consider that you need to take these impressions yourself, the margin of error increases. 

Ongoing Dental Supervision Is Vital to Success

Although clear aligners can achieve great results, success depends on many complex factors.

For example, treatment may not go according to plan if you fail to wear your aligner for the recommended 22 hours daily and forgetting to put your aligner back in frequently after mealtimes could slow your progress.

We can pick up on this during your routine Invisalign checkups, alongside any other potential issues.

In contrast, direct-to-consumer treatments do not offer physical checkups. At best, you may submit images of your smile, but this is not an in-depth assessment. 

Although teledentistry has benefits, a life-changing treatment like teeth straightening requires some degree of in-person contact with a dentist. When you choose a DTC route, you may have access to a dentist either online or over the phone. In these situations, the full responsibility for engaging with your treatment rests on your shoulders. 

Cheaper Does Not Mean Better

Alongside convenience, DTC aligner treatments are often marketed as being more affordable. While it’s true that this type of treatment may cost much less than Invisalign, it doesn’t mean you will get the same professional results.

The lack of pre-treatment assessment and ongoing in-person supervision can detract from the outcomes. That straighter smile you imagined when you parted with the treatment cost may never fully emerge. Often, patients who opt for DTC aligner treatments find they need further teeth straightening later. This may mean paying for Invisalign in addition to the original online treatment. 

What Does the Regulator Say?

The dental regulator in the UK is the General Dental Council (GDC). The GDC has previously issued statements and advice to patients on direct-to-consumer orthodontics. 

The GDC is keen to ensure patient safety and that qualified and registered professionals prescribe all dental treatments. 

In their guidance to the public, the GDC highlights that you need to see the dentist in person to know whether a treatment is suitable. Interaction between you and the dentist is essential; without this two-way communication, you cannot consent to treatment. Additionally, the GDC stresses the importance of knowing who is treating you. 

Ultimately, the prescribing dentist is responsible for your care. They must make their decisions based on their assessment of your dental needs. 

Other organisations, like the British Orthodontics Society, raise concerns about direct-to-consumer patients falling through the regulatory cracks if something goes wrong. 

Direct-to-consumer orthodontics are relatively new and have grown in popularity since the pandemic. Orthodontic treatments like Invisalign have received rigorous clinical testing and refinement and have won the trust of dentists and patients worldwide. DTC treatments have had far less scrutiny. 

Invisalign in London

Invisalign is the world’s most popular clear aligner treatment. It’s perfected millions of smiles over the last two decades, and with a thorough initial consultation and ongoing support from our skilled dentists, you can enjoy the benefits of Invisalign. 

Before making any decision about the future of your smile, we recommend visiting us for a full assessment. Getting it right will save you time and money and prevent disappointment. 

Contact us today to arrange your Invisalign consultation.

How Long Does Teeth Straightening Take?

If you’re unhappy with how straight your teeth look, you might want a teeth straightening treatment. As with all dental treatments, understanding what to expect before you commit is always a good idea. 

Understanding the process is especially important as several teeth-straightening treatments are available —and you’ll want to choose the best option for you. At The London Smile Clinic, we use three types: fixed tooth-coloured braces, lingual braces attached to the back of your teeth, and clear removable aligners. 

When we speak with patients seeking teeth straightening, we’re often asked, “How long will it take? The answer isn’t the same in every case, but we always do our best to give you a transparent indication of the timescale. 

Unlike many treatments that can be performed in a single day, teeth straightening is a gradual process. Several variables affect the treatment length. In this article, we’ll examine what’s involved in the process and compare the duration of different treatment types. 

Why Are My Teeth Misaligned, and Why Should I Straighten Them?

There are several reasons teeth become misaligned. Genetics can play a part. If you have crooked or crowded teeth, there’s a strong possibility your parents and siblings have, too. Your bite may not align because you sucked a dummy too long or had similar habits during childhood. Injury and illness can also play a part too. 

Straightening teeth makes it easier to keep them clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay and infection. Fixing misalignments can also improve speech difficulties, reduce jaw problems, and boost confidence. Orthodontic treatments can also improve your ability to chew food. 

How Does Teeth Straightening Work?

The process of straightening teeth essentially involves pushing them into the perfect position. Although teeth are firmly rooted into the jaw bone that supports them, pushing them with great force would cause injury. Teeth straightening uses gentle pressure for safe and painless results. 

Whether you choose a fixed brace or clear aligner, the constant pressure created by the appliance will slowly move your teeth into their new position. We would need to alter the force throughout your treatment by adjusting the brace or replacing the aligner.

What Factors Affect Treatment Duration? 

Everyone is unique, and the position of your teeth will differ from someone else’s. Because of this, every treatment is tailored to the individual. 

Treatments will address different types of malocclusions (orthodontic issues). These include: 

  • Crooked teeth – Your teeth grow at an angle
  • Crowding – Your teeth are bunched close together
  • Spacing – There are gaps between your teeth
  • Protrusions – Your teeth stick out 
  • Overbite – Your upper teeth fit over your lower teeth when your mouth is closed
  • Underbite – Your lower teeth stick out over your upper teeth when your mouth is closed
  • Open bite – Your lower and upper front teeth don’t meet when your mouth is closed
  • Crossbite – Your upper teeth fit inside your lower teeth

All of these issues can vary in severity. More severe cases will take longer to treat.

Other factors that can affect your treatment duration include age, your general health, and which teeth straightening option you choose. 

How Long Do Tooth-Coloured Braces Take?

Fixed braces have long been used to straighten teeth. Traditionally, these are made up of metal brackets and wires. The brackets are fixed to the teeth, and the wire is fed through. Small elastic bands are wrapped around the brackets to keep the wire in place. Tension along the archwire creates the force that moves your teeth. 

Tooth-coloured braces work the same way. Instead of metal, this type of brace uses colour-matched ceramic materials to blend in with your smile subtly. 

We’ll increase the tension on the wire throughout your treatment to direct your teeth. 

These braces correct various types of malocclusion. Milder cases take around six months, while more severe cases may take two or more years. 

Because these braces are fixed in place, it gives us full control over the treatment. Routine checkups and adjustments help us keep the straightening process on course. 

How Long Do Lingual Braces Take?

Incognito lingual braces are like normal fixed braces. However, instead of being attached to the fronts of your teeth, we fix them to the backs. Lingual braces are popular because they are completely discreet. Nobody will see them as they will be behind your smile.

Like other fixed appliances, lingual braces must be adjusted periodically to move the treatment forward. 

Lingual braces are very effective and can treat mild to severe cases. Like tooth-coloured braces, treatments vary from six months to two years. 

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Invisalign is a popular clear aligner treatment. The process uses removable translucent plastic aligners that are custom-made for your teeth. These subtle trays fit around your teeth and create the force to move them.

Throughout your treatment, you will change your aligner every two weeks. The number of aligners you’ll need will depend on the duration of your treatment and the severity of your malocclusion. 

The entire Invisalign treatment process is carefully plotted before we even give you the first aligner. We use the latest dental software to ensure accuracy. Using this technology, we can also show you how your smile will look after treatment. 

We can predict your treatment length using digital dentistry. This prediction will be accurate if you follow the treatment plan as directed and wear your aligner for at least 22 hours each day. 

Invisalign can treat mild to moderate malocclusions. Treatment lengths typically range from six months to two years. 

Teeth Straightening in London

Teeth straightening improves the appearance of your smile while setting you up for a lifetime of better dental health. Treatment lengths can range from six months to two years, depending on the type and severity of your malocclusion. 

During your initial consultation, we’ll assess your teeth. This will give us a clearer understanding of your particular case. From here, we can advise on your choice of Invisalign, tooth-coloured braces, or lingual braces. 

Call us today to book your initial consultation. 

Adult Orthodontics: Debunking the 8 Most Common Myths

Whether you never had the option to straighten your teeth as a teenager, or it wasn’t a major concern, you may worry you’ve left it too late now you’ve reached adulthood. 

Maybe you’re more aware of your smile and want to straighten your teeth. Or, you know, there are other health benefits you want to take advantage of. However, unhelpful myths and assumptions may put you off seeking treatment. 

If you decide to straighten your teeth, it’s natural to have many questions. Is it too late to straighten your teeth as an adult? Will orthodontic treatment hurt? 

In this guide, we’ll separate fact from fiction and tell you what you need to know about straightening your teeth as an adult. 

MYTH 1: It’s Too Late to Straighten Your Teeth

When teeth straightening is mentioned, teenagers often spring to mind. Teenagers often get their teeth straightened. But does this mean it’s not a treatment for adults?

The Facts…

We often aim to straighten teeth as early as possible to give people the best oral health future. Straightening their teeth reduces the risk of oral health problems throughout a patient’s life. A straighter smile can also help teenagers with their confidence.

However, none of this means teeth straightening is only for children and teenagers. —Far from it. Countless patients of all ages opt to straighten their teeth every year. Adults enjoy the same success as younger patients. It’s never too late. 

MYTH 2: Teeth Straightening Treatments Stand Out

Fixed braces are a common option for straightening teeth. They’re a tried and tested method which have been used for decades. But as an adult, you may worry about embarrassment while wearing obvious orthodontic appliances. 

The Facts…

Orthodontics has come on a long and exciting journey in the last two and a half decades. Gone are the days when the only option for straightening teeth was to wear fixed metal braces. 

Now, you can straighten your teeth using clear removable aligners from Invisalign or have fixed braces hidden behind your smile courtesy of Incognito lingual braces. If you want to take a more traditional approach, fixed braces have become more subtle too. Tooth-coloured braces blend into your smile for more discreet treatment. 

You may be surprised to learn that many adults undergo orthodontic treatments without anyone noticing their appliance. 

MYTH 3: Teeth Straightening Just Gives You a Nicer Smile

Orthodontic treatments really do improve the appearance of your smile. They close gaps, spread out crowded teeth, and bring crooked smiles into line. But is it worth going through treatment for cosmetic reasons later in life?

The Facts…

While there’s no upper age limit on looking and feeling great, orthodontics offers more than just aesthetics. 

Straightening your teeth makes it easier to clean them. This helps you remove plaque and food debris when brushing or flossing. In turn, it decreases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 

Improving the position of teeth can also benefit your bite. Orthodontic treatment makes it easier to bite and speak. It also helps prevent jaw pain from conditions like temporomandibular disorder. 

MYTH 4: Straightening Your Teeth Is Expensive

If you’re straightening your teeth as an adult, you won’t get treatment on the NHS. So, is it as expansive as you imagine?

The Facts…

There’s more than one way to straighten your teeth. As such, treatment costs vary depending on which option you choose. You can spread the cost of your treatment with our finance options. This makes treatment even more affordable. 

MYTH 5: It Takes Ages to See Results

Orthodontics is a slow process where teeth move in small amounts gradually. But does this mean you won’t see the results for months or even years?

The Facts…

It is true that orthodontic treatment isn’t immediate. Treatment lengths will vary. However, depending on the extent of the straightening needed, your treatment may only take six months. 

But whether your treatment takes six months or two years, you can see the change before completion. 

Invisalign is a clear and removable aligner system. You can see the difference after a matter of weeks. 

Lingual braces are fixed to the back of your mouth so won’t obscure your view. You’ll see the changes in the mirror in no time. 

MYTH 6: Teeth Straightening Is Uncomfortable

Wearing appliances on your teeth that use force to create a straighter smile is painful. Or is it?

The Facts…

You may expect that constant pressure on your teeth might cause some discomfort. In reality, the force is so small you’ll barely notice it after a while. Whether you choose a fixed brace option or removable Invisalign aligners, you’ll quickly get used to the gentle tension. 

Another thing that you might expect to cause discomfort is the brackets from fixed braces. Although these can rub against parts of your mouth, you can use orthodontic wax to improve comfort levels. 

MYTH 7: Adult Teeth Take Much Longer to Straighten

Given that orthodontic treatments are often offered to teenagers, you may assume it takes much longer when you’re older. 

The Facts…

When you’re an adult, your teeth and jaws are fully developed. This can increase the duration of the treatment. But it might be by less than you’d expect. 

Factors that affect treatment duration are similar across age groups. These could include the extent of the treatment needed, the straightening technique used, lifestyle, health, and how well you adhere to the process. 

Treatment lengths can vary between six months and two or more years. 

MYTH 8: DIY Orthodontics Are Better for Adults

Online aligner brands without the need for dental supervision may offer convenience and promise discretion, making them perfect for adults. But are they really perfect, or more hassle than they’re worth?

The Facts…

In recent years, many DIY orthodontics brands have popped up and disappeared. Some have endured. They promise to take the fuss out of treatment and save you money too. As a busy adult, this may appeal to you. But there are some major drawbacks. 

Before commencing any orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to undergo a full clinical assessment, including X-rays. Your progress must also be assessed throughout the process. 

Our treatments follow bespoke plans centred around your specific oral health needs. You won’t get this from an online treatment. 

Finally, after a DIY treatment, you won’t receive the ongoing support to ensure your results stay. Retainers are essential for preventing your teeth from relapsing to their old position. 

The lack of planning, assessment, and aftercare means your treatment won’t be efficient or safe! 

Whatever your age, it’s always best to straighten your teeth with a treatment from a dental professional. 

Adult Teeth Straightening in London

Adult orthodontics are effective and discreet. You can choose between the convenience of Invisalign aligners, the subtlety of tooth-coloured braces, or the complete discretion of Incognito lingual braces.

Call today to book your initial consultation.

Going Incognito: How Hidden Lingual Braces Work

There has never been a better time to straighten your teeth. Orthodontic companies strive to create innovative ways to perfect your smile with minimal disruption to your life. One of the biggest reservations people have about traditional braces is that they stand out. 

Wearing a metal appliance on the front of your teeth for up to two years will yield exceptional results and give you a beautiful smile. However, the treatment process can leave you feeling self-conscious. 

This is why aesthetics is an important consideration in the design of many modern orthodontic appliances. While many treatments find ways to make a treatment appear more subtle, Incognito braces go a step further and hide them from view completely. 

Also known as lingual braces, these hidden appliances work just as well as more established treatments with the added beauty of ultimate discretion. In this guide, we’ll look at Incognito braces, explore how they work, and discuss everything you need to know. 

What Are Lingual Braces?

Much like traditional fixed braces, lingual braces use metal wires which are attached to your teeth using metal brackets. Unlike traditional braces, these are on the backs of your teeth instead of the front. The word “lingual” means near or next to the tongue. 

The treatment is ideal for anyone who is image-conscious, but wants to straighten their teeth either for cosmetic or health reasons. Teenagers and adults both find this treatment beneficial. 

How Do Incognito Braces Work?

Traditional braces use metal brackets to anchor a metal arch wire to your teeth. Small rubber bands are wrapped around each bracket to hold the wire in position. 

Tension along this wire creates small tooth movements. Throughout treatment, these wires are gradually tightened to move teeth until they appear straight. 

Incognito braces work in exactly the same way. However, instead of facing out from the fronts of your teeth, the brackets and wire are discreetly hidden from view. 

To get the best results, we use customised braces that are designed to fit your teeth perfectly. Just like traditional braces, we will adjust the tension along the brace’s wire at various stages throughout your treatment. 

Can Anyone See Lingual Braces?

Because of their position, nobody will ever know they are there. This makes treatment using Incognito braces perfect whatever your age. 

Why Straighten Your Teeth?

Teeth straightening has several benefits. These include:

Improved Appearance

Whether your teeth are crooked, spread out, or crowded close together, the appearance of your smile is affected. Straightening your teeth improves the appearance of your smile and gives you a confidence boost. 

Teeth Become Easier To Clean

Misaligned teeth are difficult to clean. Whether your teeth are spread out too much or too close together and set at an angle, bacteria and food particles can accumulate in the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. This can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease and cause bad breath. 

Aligning your teeth makes it easier to keep your smile fresh and healthy. 

Fix Bite Problems

Some misalignments affect your ability to close your mouth properly while putting strain on your jaw. This makes biting and chewing difficult. It can also cause pain in your jaws, face, head, neck, shoulders, and back. 

Lingual braces can fix complex bite problems like overbite, underbite, crossbite, and more. 

How Long Does It Take To Straighten Teeth Using Lingual Braces?

Every smile we treat is unique, and as such, treatment lengths vary. Mild alignment issues can take as few as six months to treat using Incognito braces. Other, more complex issues can take up to two years. 

Before your treatment starts, we’ll assess your teeth and jaws. Once we know how far we need to move each tooth, we can gauge the extent of your treatment. This helps us determine how long treatment will take in your specific case. 

Do Lingual Braces Affect Your Speech?

Because lingual braces are on the inside of your teeth facing your tongue, they can cause speech problems. These are usually only temporary. 

Speech problems occur because your tongue will naturally try to avoid touching the braces. When this happens, it effectively shortens your tongue leaving you with a slight lisp. 

You may feel conscious about this change in your speech. This can cause anxiety. Some people avoid speaking out of embarrassment. 

The best thing you can do is to continue speaking as normal. Your tongue will soon learn to adapt to the brace’s presence. Over the course of a few days, you’ll regain confidence in your ability to speak. Soon, your speech will return to normal. 

Do Lingual Braces Cause Discomfort or Pain?

As with any dental treatment, you may have concerns about pain and comfort levels. This is perfectly natural. On the whole, lingual braces are painless and discomfort-free. You may experience some soreness as you get used to your new braces and whenever they are adjusted. 

This soreness is temporary and will pass quickly. You can reduce any discomfort using painkillers like paracetamol.

You may find that your tongue touches your braces occasionally. Some people’s tongues also subconsciously play with their brace. If you find the metal uncomfortable, you can use orthodontic wax to improve how your brace feels. 

How Do You Keep Lingual Braces Clean?

It’s important to`keep your lingual braces clean at all times. Food debris and bacteria can easily build up under the wires and around the brackets. This can increase your risk of developing cavities. 

Because you can’t see your braces, you’ll have to rely on frequent and thorough cleaning. Brushing your teeth after every meal, ensuring you spend time on each surface is essential. Rinsing with mouthwash and flossing will improve your overall dental hygiene.

It’s worth paying attention to what you’re eating. Certain foods are more likely to get trapped in your brace, so avoid these where possible. 

Lingual Braces in London

Incognito lingual braces give you the reliability of traditional fixed appliances, with the added benefit of complete discretion. 

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out whether lingual braces are right for you.

10 Ways to Maximise the Success of Your Invisalign Treatment

Since its launch over two decades ago, Invisalign has revolutionised how we straighten teeth. This subtle and convenient transparent aligner system is now one of the leading orthodontic treatments. 

Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that create a precision force on your teeth. Over your treatment, you’ll start to see the change, and you’ll love your new smile. 

Because your aligners are not fixed in place like metal braces, you’ll need to ensure you follow the best practice advice we give you to get the expected results. 

Here are some of the best ways to set yourself up for success when using Invisalign. 

1. Don’t Forget to Wear Your Aligners!

This might sound obvious, but you won’t straighten your teeth if you’re not wearing your aligners. 

Invisalign treatment plans are designed around near-constant aligner wear. Of course, one of the benefits of Invisalign is how easy it is to take your aligner out to eat or brush your teeth, but you need to remember to replace it immediately. 

We recommend wearing your aligner for at least 22 hours each day. If you skimp, it won’t be effective, and you won’t progress as planned. 

2. Swap Your Aligners As Instructed

Every two weeks, you’ll get a new aligner to wear. Although it might look exactly the same as your last aligner, it’s not. 

Because each aligner is custom-made for your smile and designed to be used at a specific stage in the treatment, it’s vital that you wear them in the order we provide them. Wearing each aligner too long could prolong your treatment or minimise its effectiveness. 

3. Don’t Throw Your Last Aligner Away

Although you need to move on to the next step as directed to achieve the expected results, keeping hold of your last aligner is always a good idea. 

In the rare event that you lose or damage your aligner, you should call us immediately. How we address the problem depends on how long you have worn your current aligner. 

If you’ve only recently changed your aligner, we may suggest wearing your last aligner until we can get a replacement for the current one. While this doesn’t progress your treatment, it will stop the teeth from moving backwards until we can get you back on track. 

4. Learn to Adjust to Wearing Your Aligner

Although Invisalign is comfortable, some people experience tenderness during the first day or two of wear. In addition, you may develop a slight lisp as you get used to wearing your aligner. 

It may be tempting to stop wearing your aligner or wear it less. Don’t. It can take a couple of days to get used to your aligner, but you will adjust quicker if you continue wearing it. 

Sucking ice can help reduce tenderness. While you get used to wearing your aligner, you may also want to avoid eating anything chewy or crunchy. 

Any slight lisps will quickly pass once your tongue gets used to the aligner being there. The best thing to do is keep wearing the aligner and speak normally. 

5. Keep Your Aligner Clean

Because you’ll need to wear your aligner all the time, it’s essential that you keep it clean. Bacteria and food particles inside your aligner will be pressed against your teeth for prolonged periods of time, increasing plaque and tartar build ups and raising the risk of decay and gum disease. 

Clean your aligners at least twice a day. Use lukewarm water and either a special aligner cleaner or toothpaste. You can also use a soft toothbrush to remove debris from the aligner.

6. Keep Your Teeth Clean

Maintaining good oral hygiene is always important, but never more so than when you’re wearing aligners for most of the day. Keep on top of your morning and evening routines by brushing and flossing. Where possible, brush your teeth immediately after eating too.

It’s also worth keeping a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you when you’re out and about to brush your teeth when needed. 

7. Don’t Eat or Drink While Wearing Aligners

One of the reasons people love Invisalign is the convenience. You don’t need to worry about what you can or can’t eat, because you can remove your aligners at mealtimes. 

But because your aligners are barely noticeable after you’ve worn them a while, it’s important to remember to take them out before eating or drinking. Food and drink could stain your aligner, or worse still, damage or distort it. 

Cold unflavoured water is the only thing you should consume without removing your aligner. 

8. Keep Your Aligner Safe

When you do take your aligner out, keep it somewhere safe. Don’t put it loose in your bag or pocket, and leave it loose on the table or wrap it in tissue. Storing your aligner in this way could damage your aligner and increase bacteria. 

Keeping an aligner case with you at all times means you can safely store it whenever you take it out. 

9. Don’t Skip Your Checkups

Unlike fixed braces, there are no adjustments during your Invisalign treatment. That said, we will need to check on the treatment’s progress. It’s important to attend these checkups as they helps us determine whether you’re on the right track. 

Although Invisalign is predictable and as long as you’re wearing your aligner as directed, f there is an issue that needs addressing, it’s better to do this sooner, rather than later. 

These checkups will also look at your overall dental health. If you maintain exceptional oral hygiene throughout, it will reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease, but a checkup will check there are no hidden issues. 

10. Wear Your Retainer After the Treatment Ends

Invisalign is fantastic for straightening teeth, but after the treatment ends, you will want to keep the new smile you’ve worked hard for. 

Although your teeth may have moved to a new position, they could risk sliding back. A retainer is similar to an aligner, but instead of moving teeth, it’s designed to keep them in the same position. 

We’ll advise you on how long you should wear your retainer daily. Eventually, the frequency and duration of the times you need to wear your retainer will reduce. 

Invisalign in London

Invisalign is a highly effective and predictable treatment for giving you the smile you’ve always wanted. You’ll need to follow the guidelines carefully if you want to get the most out of your aligner, but we’re always on hand to support you during treatment. 

Get in touch today to book your Invisalign consultation.


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