There has never been a better time to straighten your teeth. Orthodontic companies strive to create innovative ways to perfect your smile with minimal disruption to your life. One of the biggest reservations people have about traditional braces is that they stand out. 

Wearing a metal appliance on the front of your teeth for up to two years will yield exceptional results and give you a beautiful smile. However, the treatment process can leave you feeling self-conscious. 

This is why aesthetics is an important consideration in the design of many modern orthodontic appliances. While many treatments find ways to make a treatment appear more subtle, Incognito braces go a step further and hide them from view completely. 

Also known as lingual braces, these hidden appliances work just as well as more established treatments with the added beauty of ultimate discretion. In this guide, we’ll look at Incognito braces, explore how they work, and discuss everything you need to know. 

What Are Lingual Braces?

Much like traditional fixed braces, lingual braces use metal wires which are attached to your teeth using metal brackets. Unlike traditional braces, these are on the backs of your teeth instead of the front. The word “lingual” means near or next to the tongue. 

The treatment is ideal for anyone who is image-conscious, but wants to straighten their teeth either for cosmetic or health reasons. Teenagers and adults both find this treatment beneficial. 

How Do Incognito Braces Work?

Traditional braces use metal brackets to anchor a metal arch wire to your teeth. Small rubber bands are wrapped around each bracket to hold the wire in position. 

Tension along this wire creates small tooth movements. Throughout treatment, these wires are gradually tightened to move teeth until they appear straight. 

Incognito braces work in exactly the same way. However, instead of facing out from the fronts of your teeth, the brackets and wire are discreetly hidden from view. 

To get the best results, we use customised braces that are designed to fit your teeth perfectly. Just like traditional braces, we will adjust the tension along the brace’s wire at various stages throughout your treatment. 

Can Anyone See Lingual Braces?

Because of their position, nobody will ever know they are there. This makes treatment using Incognito braces perfect whatever your age. 

Why Straighten Your Teeth?

Teeth straightening has several benefits. These include:

Improved Appearance

Whether your teeth are crooked, spread out, or crowded close together, the appearance of your smile is affected. Straightening your teeth improves the appearance of your smile and gives you a confidence boost. 

Teeth Become Easier To Clean

Misaligned teeth are difficult to clean. Whether your teeth are spread out too much or too close together and set at an angle, bacteria and food particles can accumulate in the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. This can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease and cause bad breath. 

Aligning your teeth makes it easier to keep your smile fresh and healthy. 

Fix Bite Problems

Some misalignments affect your ability to close your mouth properly while putting strain on your jaw. This makes biting and chewing difficult. It can also cause pain in your jaws, face, head, neck, shoulders, and back. 

Lingual braces can fix complex bite problems like overbite, underbite, crossbite, and more. 

How Long Does It Take To Straighten Teeth Using Lingual Braces?

Every smile we treat is unique, and as such, treatment lengths vary. Mild alignment issues can take as few as six months to treat using Incognito braces. Other, more complex issues can take up to two years. 

Before your treatment starts, we’ll assess your teeth and jaws. Once we know how far we need to move each tooth, we can gauge the extent of your treatment. This helps us determine how long treatment will take in your specific case. 

Do Lingual Braces Affect Your Speech?

Because lingual braces are on the inside of your teeth facing your tongue, they can cause speech problems. These are usually only temporary. 

Speech problems occur because your tongue will naturally try to avoid touching the braces. When this happens, it effectively shortens your tongue leaving you with a slight lisp. 

You may feel conscious about this change in your speech. This can cause anxiety. Some people avoid speaking out of embarrassment. 

The best thing you can do is to continue speaking as normal. Your tongue will soon learn to adapt to the brace’s presence. Over the course of a few days, you’ll regain confidence in your ability to speak. Soon, your speech will return to normal. 

Do Lingual Braces Cause Discomfort or Pain?

As with any dental treatment, you may have concerns about pain and comfort levels. This is perfectly natural. On the whole, lingual braces are painless and discomfort-free. You may experience some soreness as you get used to your new braces and whenever they are adjusted. 

This soreness is temporary and will pass quickly. You can reduce any discomfort using painkillers like paracetamol.

You may find that your tongue touches your braces occasionally. Some people’s tongues also subconsciously play with their brace. If you find the metal uncomfortable, you can use orthodontic wax to improve how your brace feels. 

How Do You Keep Lingual Braces Clean?

It’s important to`keep your lingual braces clean at all times. Food debris and bacteria can easily build up under the wires and around the brackets. This can increase your risk of developing cavities. 

Because you can’t see your braces, you’ll have to rely on frequent and thorough cleaning. Brushing your teeth after every meal, ensuring you spend time on each surface is essential. Rinsing with mouthwash and flossing will improve your overall dental hygiene.

It’s worth paying attention to what you’re eating. Certain foods are more likely to get trapped in your brace, so avoid these where possible. 

Lingual Braces in London

Incognito lingual braces give you the reliability of traditional fixed appliances, with the added benefit of complete discretion. 

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out whether lingual braces are right for you.