Teeth straightening with Inman Aligner, clear retainers

This patient attended the practice wanting a fast result for her crooked upper front teeth.

Rotated Central Tooth and Discoloured Teeth

This patient was unhappy with her rotated central tooth and also the colour of her teeth.

Teeth Straightening with Inman Aligner

Russell came in wanting a straighter, broader, whiter smile.

Worn teeth

The teeth had worn down short and flat from years of grinding.


Pointy Discoloured Teeth

Harriet felt her teeth were too pointy in appearance and she was also not happy with the colour and mottling of her teeth.

How can we help you?

10 Secrets to a
Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful, irreversible pitfalls).

10 Secrets to
a Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful,
irreversible pitfalls).


Download our free guide to a perfect smile

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