Orthodontics & Teeth Veneers – Missing Teeth and Crowded Tooth
The Problem
This patient was presented with a missing canine tooth, a peg-shaped lateral incisor, and moderately crowded upper dentition.
The Solution
A couple of years of fixed orthodontic treatment, followed by six porcelain veneers.
The Interview
What motivated you to change your smile?
A missing canine and peg lateral incisor.
What treatment have you had?
Brace and six veneers on top teeth.
How did you feel during the process, was your treatment comfortable?
Yes, no pain during veneers, less than expected during orthodontics.
How do you feel about the result, did it match, or exceed your expectations?
Matched, I knew the London Smile Clinic had a good reputation.
Is it something you would recommend to family and friends?
How has your new smile changed your life, what difference will it make to you?
Stopped me worrying about my teeth. More confidence when smiling.
Sum up your experience in one word:
How did the team contribute to your experience?
All of the staff here are very welcoming and friendly, I am sad to go, but there is always hygienist visits, :-)