Chipped Lower Tooth and Old Veneers

The Problem

This patient has an aged smile with old, dark metal bonded crowns.

The Solution

We has replaced the old crowns with new porcelain crowns to create a more natural, younger looking smile.

The Interview

What motivated you to change your smile?

Chipped lower tooth and brown veneers.

What treatment have you had?

Upper front six veneers, bondings on lower four teeth.

How did you feel during the process, was your treatment comfortable?

Treatment was great, I felt very much part of the decision making. Manrina and all staff have been amazing, very courteous and professional.

How do you feel about the result, did it match, or exceed your expectations?

I am very happy with my smile, exceeded expectations.

How can we help you?

10 Secrets to a
Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful, irreversible pitfalls).

10 Secrets to
a Perfect Smile

(avoid all the costly, painful,
irreversible pitfalls).


Download our free guide to a perfect smile

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